Open days 2024

Sessions are available between 10am – 12pm, and 2pm – 4pm. Please call Nick Bell or Lee Kruszyna on 0131 561 0086 to arrange a visit. Each Visit will be a 30 min slot where we can show you around the centre and explain how the service works and what we can offer.

If you are looking to visit us as a potential user of the service and/or as a carer for them, please call 0131 561 0086 where arrangements for an individual visit can be discussed if you so wish.

Open days

  • Thursday January 11th 2024
  • Thursday February 8th 2024
  • Thursday March 14th 2024
  • Thursday April 11th 2024
  • Thursday May 9th 2024
  • Thursday June 13th 2024
  • Thursday July 11th 2024
  • Thursday August 8th 2024
  • Thursday September 12th 2024
  • Thursday October 10th 2024
  • Thursday November 14th 2024
  • Thursday December 12th 2024
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Edinburgh Crisis Centre’s 15th Anniversary

The Edinburgh Crisis Centre passed 15 years of providing mental health crisis support to the citizens of Edinburgh in 2021. The event at the AUGB club was held to celebrate the work of the centre staff, centre users and its partners. Attached is a summary of the event which took place. Check it out!

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Meet our therapet dog….Brodie

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Volunteer Groups At Edinburgh Crisis Centre

Have you recently accessed the Edinburgh Crisis Centre? You may be interested in the following groups. Please email: for more information.


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Craft Fair Fundraiser – 29th September

The Edinburgh Crisis Centre is holding a Craft Fair fundraising event on the 29th September, 2018.

The event is being hosted by Edinburgh College of Art at The Fire Station Building on Lauriston Place.

Everyone welcome, please do feel free to come along and support us on the day!

For further information please contact: or

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Scottish Government Minister for Mental Health visits Edinburgh Crisis Centre

Scottish Government Minister for Mental Health Maureen Watt MSP today (16 November 2017) visited the Edinburgh Crisis Centre – a service unique in Scotland in offering quick-access 1-1 and short-stay residential mental health crisis support alongside freephone, text and email support.

Created following a 10 year campaign by service users, the Crisis Centre provides support for people aged 16 years+ in Edinburgh who are experiencing overwhelming mental health difficulties, such as extreme anxiety or depression, and who may be considering suicide.

People contact the service by email, text or telephone. Centre staff then work with them in a person-centred, non-judgemental way to support them through their distress. Depending on the outcome of this support, they may be offered 1-1 support at the Centre. Appointments are made as quickly as possible – sometimes immediately and usually within the same day. Following a this meeting, a person may be offered an overnight stay at the Centre.

The Minister was given a tour of the service by Service Manager Barrie Hunter, Assistant Manager Nick Bell and Nicole Carter, who has used the service in the past and credits it with saving her life.

Following the tour Graeme Mollon, North East Sector Manager for Mental Health and Colin Beck, Strategic Planning Manager for Mental Health, from Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership, and Penumbra Chief Executive Nigel Henderson held a roundtable discussion with the Minister on the importance of community based services.

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis you can contact the Edinburgh Crisis Centre on 0808 801 0414 (freephone), 0797 442 9075 (text) or email A free translation service is available for people who do not speak English as their first language.

More information

For more information please contact Robin Murphy on 0131 475 2569 or email

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Images of Hope and Recovery

The staff at the Edinburgh Crisis Centre have each submitted a photograph of an image they find relaxing or represents hope. These are on display in our Reception Room.

We would like to invite anyone who has accessed the centre to contribute a photograph of an image which represents hope, recovery or something relaxing to them. We would like to display some of these photos within the centre, these will remain anonymous.

You can send your photo to:

Thank you!

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J K Rowling and Stephen Fry donate signed books to raise money for Penumbra service

Novelist Robert Galbraith (AKA J K Rowling) and comedian, actor and writer Stephen Fry have both donated signed copies of their latest books to raise funds for the Edinburgh Crisis Centre.

The Edinburgh Crisis Centre opened in 2006 as Scotland’s first mental health crisis centre. It provides a free 24 hour helpline and text service for people in Edinburgh who are experiencing a mental health crisis. The centre also provides a safe private space for people in distress to receive support, including overnight accommodation if required. The centre is run by Scottish mental health charity Penumbra.

J K Rowling and Stephen Fry kindly donated the books after being contacted by Crisis Centre Manager Barrie Hunter. The books are now being auctioned online, along with certificates of authenticity, to raise funds for the service. Bidding finishes on 8 February 2017. You can find both listings here.

Both J K Rowling and Stephen Fry have campaigned to raise awareness of mental health issues, and have publicly spoken about their own experiences. For a period during her 20s Rowling suffered from depression and contemplated suicide. Some have speculated that her illness inspired the Dementor characters in the Harry Potter series. Stephen Fry has also experienced depression and has been diagnosed with bipolar. He now campaigns to raise awareness of mental health. He is the president of mental health charity Mind, and he is also involved with the mental health charity Stand to Reason.

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Miles Briggs MSP visits Edinburgh Crisis Centre

Today (7 November 2016) Lothian regional list MSP Miles Briggs visited the Edinburgh Crisis Centre, a 24/7 mental health crisis service run by mental health charity Penumbra and funded jointly by NHS Lothian and the City of Edinburgh Council.

Mr Briggs, the Scottish Conservative Spokesperson for Mental Health and Public Health, visited the service to find out about the vital support it provides to people in Edinburgh. He is also a member of the Cross-Party Group on Mental Health and a member of the Health and Sport Committee in the Scottish Parliament.

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis you can contact the Edinburgh Crisis Centre on 0808 801 0414 (freephone), 0797 442 9075 (text) or email A free translation service is available for people who do not speak English as their first language.

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Edinburgh mental health crisis service sees 300% rise in calls since opening

An Edinburgh service which supports people experiencing a mental health crisis has seen demand for help rise significantly since it opened its doors 10 years ago.

The Edinburgh Crisis Centre provides immediate support for residents in the Capital who are experiencing intense and overwhelming mental health difficulties such as extreme anxiety or depression, and who may be considering suicide.

The Centre is unique in Scotland in offering quick-access one to one and short-stay residential mental health crisis support, alongside a 24 hour a day, 365 days a year confidential freephone, text and email support service.

Figures released by the Centre during Suicide Prevention Week (5 – 11 September 2016) show the number of people who called, texted and emailed rose from 392 between April 2007 and March 2008 – the first full year where data is available – to a peak of 1869 people for the year ending March 2014. This then fell to 1561 people last year, or around four people making contact with the Centre each day.

Even factoring in this slight fall, the Centre has experienced a rise of 300% on the number of people calling, texting and emailing compared to when it opened in August 2006.

Over the same period the number of visits to the Centre for one to one support has also risen from 138 in 2007-08 to a peak of 760 in 2013-14, before falling back to 620 for 2015-16.

The accumulative number of overnight stays at the Centre has also increased. Last year the centre provided a total of 325 nights of accommodation, up from 35 nights in 2008-2009 when it began offering short-stay residential support.

Edinburgh Crisis Centre Manager Barrie Hunter said:

“There is constant demand for support from the Crisis Centre. It is not unusual that we get several calls in the space of a few hours from people who are extremely distressed and need support immediately.

“Despite this I think there are still lots of people who don’t know we are here. It is vital that people know you can ring up and get face to face support, potentially on the same day, and stay overnight if you need to.

“As we mark our 10th anniversary we are particularly busy. Summer is usually a demanding time for us, not least because there are so many people in Edinburgh for the festival”.

Nigel Henderson, Chief Executive of Penumbra said:

“A mental health crisis is an extremely difficult thing to experience and it is vital people can access support quickly. Here in Edinburgh people can contact the Crisis Centre, but it is really concerning that similar provision isn’t available across Scotland, particularly in our big cities.

“We have a fantastic group of volunteers who help man the Crisis Centre phone lines and respond to emails and texts, and an amazing staff team who provide one-to-one support to people. As the service marks its 10th anniversary they really deserve our praise.”

To mark its 10 year milestone the Edinburgh Crisis Centre is holding a public event on 6 September at Leith Ex Servicemen’s Club, 7 Smiths Place, Leith. Malcolm Chisholm, former MSP and Minister for Health and Community Care, will speak at the event. More information can be found at:

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis you can contact the Edinburgh Crisis Centre on 0808 801 0414 (freephone), 0797 442 9075 (text) or email A free translation service is available for people who do not speak English as their first language.


For more information please contact Robin Murphy on 0131 475 2569 or email

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